Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trix Box

These are Trix cereal boxes one is a retro release and the other is the normal release. They both look very similar but with slight differences. They've still used the only green on the box for logo. I'm guessing they did this so the name would have a popping effect to it. The rabbit on the other had is very different. One seems very relaxed while the newer one has an extreme expression of excitement and energy. Thy might have changed that because children would move towards that expression more. They might have re released the older box so more adults would start buying the cereal. The cereal itself is also more vibrant and colorful in the newer trix box. I personally like the older one better, It has less going on with more of a chill yet cool factor about it where the newer box to me screams eat me I'm full of sugar and excitement.

artifical shade

Designed for urban areas without a lot of trees these benches have a flower like structure coming from the tops of them to provide the sitter with shade from the sun on hot days. The center of the structure also has a device to catch wind and store its energy and turn that into a lighted are to sit at night. The idea of this is a good one yet for some reason I don't like the way they've designed these at all. Depending on the place where you put this, you may or may not want it to look like a flower. Also what if you don't live in a windy area, would the lights at night be useless? Instead they should make the shade "petals" with solar panels on top. I think that would be a more effective way of harnessing the energy. also I build in a tilt function because the sun doesn't always stay in one spot.

Jimmy Deans

I like this advertisement a lot. It gives a good sense of morning time and wanting to have some of that breakfast sausage. The colors used I feel have a warming sense to it that the sunrise usually has in the morning, a sort of golden glow. Its even better that they use the design of a "rising sun" pattern. The traditional oriental rising sun is usually in red and white I believe but when you take it out of that color scheme and use it in this sense it really ties the feeling of morning time together. Pulling the red from the package and using that for the overhead text is a good idea as well since its also a warm color. Having the food in the corners and not overpowering the image lets the package shine through but also allows the viewer to get a sense of what the product is used for if they didn't already.

power cart

This thing is a new take on the street vendors by having a portable stand that a passersby can stop pay a few bucks and get their cell phones or other wireless devices charged. The cart looks pretty simple with a wooden box design but I'm guessing the technical know how comes with the solar panel that is attached along with a crank on the side just in case the sun goes behind a cloud. I'm not sure how you would wire something like this but if you had the spare time it might be a good idea to make if you had some spare time on the weekend. One downside i could see to this is having to stand at the station while your cellphone or device is being charged and depending on how long your device takes to charge what you could do to fill that time. Also if it started to rain or lightning all of a sudden having your device get fried. Also things to take into consideration are, if more people plug in at once does it slow everyone's charge rate. Good idea overall for a street vendor. I have been stuck in public with a dead cellphone before and would have loved to have one of these around.

golden arches

The golden arches. You already know what they represent with out even having to think. Your taste buds may either start to salivate or your stomach start to turn but either way everyone gets an instant reaction to this sign. McDonald's did an incredible job with their emblem and marketing for everyone practically in the world to know what the golden arches stand for. I personally like the sign. It's somewhat nostalgic in a way but I also like the way the gold pops out on their standard red back ground. The arches make a sensible M which everyone assumes stands for McDonald's. The arches were actually a part of the restaurants building design. They later took the arches and put them together to create the M for their logo. The red on the sign comes from the original design for the building as well with the floor and wall tiles being a distinctive red and white. McDonald's may never go under due to this M.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Text Rain

Text rain is a digital art piece designed by Camille Utterback. It is designed so that an image of falling letters is projected onto a wall that viewers can walk in front of and interact with. What ever image the user projects onto the wall the words will interact with it by stopping their downward motion and sliding off to the side very similar to rain. If the user is able to stop a large portion of the rain they will be able to see that the letters form words and sentences that make a poem. I really like this idea of art and interaction. It also brings in a lot of elements pertaining to new media. It would be a cool idea if there were more options of maybe turning the letters into images or one solid image with raining pixels that could be stopped and stacked to make a picture. I think there is a lot of potential with this kind of technology with computer and user interaction on a artistic and educational platform.

Wall Decals

I found this and other wall decals and I live in an apartment that, for some reason, won't let us paint our walls. If we want to paint, depending on the color, we have to put a non refundable deposit down between 150- 350 dollars. I tried to think of another option to decorate a wall and I stumbled upon these designs. What they are are vinyl stickers that you adhere to any wall or surface and later peel up. For this tree they send you the trunk decal and all the separate leaf decals so you can place them in any fashion you would like. The decals run anywhere from 25-200 dollars depending on the size and different colors. You can also choose any colors you would like the decal to be. I think this is a great way to decorate a room or wall space for any home size.