Tuesday, December 1, 2009

eco boxes.

I first came across this new packaging for music, games and movies when I bought a copy of Modern Warfare 2 for the xbox360. My first reaction when I felt the box was that something was missing and, why is it so flexible and weak? Well when I opened the package this is what I saw inside with a game disc in place of course. My first reaction was a wondering of why? And then my second reaction was, "they must be getting cheap on us." To be honest the box has no real protection for the disc except someplace to store it so it won't get scratched. My friends and I couldn't figure it out. www.ign.com released an article about the box and how the media industry is pushing for these new boxes because they save on packaging weight and carbon emissions when produced. The dvd and blueray producers have jumped on board all ready switching over to these packages primarily with the game industry starting to make the switch. Walmart is pushing for all media sold in their stores to use these packages by 2013. After reading more on this design I came to the conclusion that if it is safer for the environment, uses less resources, and saves on shipping costs which in turn might lower the price of the product, by all means package all the media you can in these. After all, those boxes just sit on a shelf next to my TV.

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