Thursday, October 29, 2009

Digital Ice Maker

This is a high capacity digital ice maker that makes a tray of ice in no more than 10 minutes. They designed it for RV's, game rooms, and home bars. I like the idea of the design to have ice where ever you can find an outlet, but how often do am I asking myself, gosh I wish I had some ice. I feel this was designed as more of a luxury item for people who can afford things such as a RV, or game room. At a near 300 dollar price tag I think I will stick with the ice maker in my fridge or the bags of ice at the grocery store. I did find that Americans on average use about a pint of water as ice a day. The energy consumed to turn that water in to ice turns out to be about 5,000 tons of coal or 17,000 barrels of oil. That energy is used to take the energy out of water to turn it to ice. When Ice melts it regains that energy, so in the process of making Ice it seems we are just wasting natural resources. If Americans want to start conserving energy more I would not recommend this product.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Digital Penguin

Digital Penguin Christmas Ornament

This is a Christmas ornament that was designed to hold a little lcd screen in the stomach of a penguin that changes pictures of what ever you upload to it. It holds about 65 pictures with a jpg or bmp format. It made me wonder would anyone buy this? I found out that a lot of people actually buy digital picture frames for their home or office and it would be practical that those consumers would extend that to their Christmas trees. I did find ornaments that hold a single picture that you would have to cut out from a print , I believe my mom might have even had one. I think this ornament, as small as the screen is, would be a plausible thing to buy for the capability of having more than one picture in your ornament. I found other larger digital picture frames that as well as showing multiple pictures played music as well. Maybe this ornament could be reissued somehow with a mini speaker that played different Christmas tunes.

Digital Candy

Digital candy. Someone decided to make bubble gum shaped in the form of technological devices such dvd’d, mice, hand held video game devices and keyboards. Why would someone go to great lengths to create such weird looking candies? It’s a possibility that children as well as adults love new tech gadgets and they are more likely to try something that looks like something they already love. I personally wouldn’t be turned on to something like this if I saw it in a store. Kids on the other hand I feel would be attracted to it because maybe these are things that represent objects that their parents have and can’t play with or can only use for a limited amount of time. Therefore, when they see this they want it because it is something they can’t normally have and will want it even more. Their parents knowing its just candy will be more than likely buy it for them since it is just candy. Furthermore, people have been chewing gum for ages. It has been recently found that chewing gum could possibly increase brain function and help with better grades on exams. On the downside children under the age of 5 shouldn't chew gum because of a natural instinct to swallow what they are eating, so maybe this package should come with a warning.

Flip Phone

I have always liked the design for the flip phone cellphone. I remember watching Nash Bridges on TV when I was a kid and remember watching him use a cellphone that flipped open and from then on always wanted one. I think the design of a flip phone largely impart takes its basic idea from a laptop computer. When you flip it open its ready to go when you close it you know its still on but waiting for you to use it again in the near future. I think also the appeal of the flip phone is the same idea of "look at this tiny laptop computer I can make calls on". Part of the reason they might have designed the flip phone is to protect the screen and keyboard. On older phones the screen and keyboard were always in plain sight which something could be dropped on. At the end of 2007 55 million Americans owned cellphones, now its an impressive 250 million and still growing. The flip phone will soon be replaced with the smart phones but the flip phone was a great design.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

play cologn

I first saw this bottle in a cologne add with Justin Timberlake. I'm not sure if it is his cologne line or if he was just the model. I thought it was a good idea, however, to have him in the add to reinforce the design of the bottle as a music player since he is a famous music artist. I feel the design of this bottle is very clever. It took me a second to realize that the cologne was called "Play" but once I did I had that ahhh, I get it feeling. The bottle also has a striking resemblance to an ipod or iphone which, like myself, people become extremely attached to. In return, the consumer might feel immediately comfortable with the product. Who knows how it smells? But I would give it a try.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

When i first saw this design for a wine bottle label I liked it. There was something about that symbol that made it seem important enough to give it a try. I have yet to try the wine but I have done a little research on why this label caught my attention. I'm not so sure it has anything to do with font of the name or the name itself. I think it all has to do with that symbol in the circle. So I just happened to be watching a movie the other day and during the beginning credits I figured out why this label stuck out. It all has to do with Legendary Pictures logo and the movies associated with it. I like their movies so that design was subconsciously in my brain as something I would like if I saw it else where. Hence the similarity with the wine bottle display.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The tissue box

I never realized how well the tissue box is designed because it works so well. What better way is there to group together and dispense tissues? The ease of use by pulling up on one tissue already sticking out of the box will automatically bring up the next tissue for future use. The box also serves as a simple but effective method of protecting the contents inside. It prevents the tissues getting smashed and also protects them from the elements around them. The tissue box is a great design. Another similar designs that work great is a bathroom paper towel dispenser. It's like a giant upside down tissue box.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Terrible Movie Poster

I'm not sure where to begin with this movie poster. At first glance without reading anything it has the feel of a promotional poster for some crappy new drama series for broadcast network television, like a detective show. But if you read at the bottom it says, "In Theaters". Well I guess it's a movie then. But what is this movie about? Well if I read the title I'm guessing a law abiding citizen, but who is the law abiding citizen? The guy on the right? The guy on the left? They both look pretty tough in black and white with stern shadowed faces. As far as I know they could both be either good or bad? It's also a good thing the designer put their names on their foreheads like misplaced name tag. He or she could have just stacked them in the middle. I'm guessing most of the general public knows who Jamie Fox is and then deduced that the other face must belong to the name Gerard Butler. In the end, do I have any new knowledge of what this movie is about? No. Do I have any more motivation to go see this movie? No. If anything I have less of an urge to go see this movie. The main change I would have made was to add a little tag line, like the old movie posters, about the movie like, "Taking the law into his own hands this October". That gives more of an action movie type feel. Which I'm guessing this is.