Wednesday, December 2, 2009

press hop

This is a video done by DJ Steve Porter that incorporates a bunch of famous sports press conferences into a mash up rap music video. This is an incredible design for the sheer creativity and ability to make something like this. I have no idea how he was able to hear the different parts and put them together over a beat that he created. His first mash up video he did was of the Slap Chop infomercial. That video gave him enough views for FOX news to do a piece on him. A part of this video, "Press Hop", was even shown on ESPN's sports center. To put something like this together and submitting it to youtube not only gets his creation out there for everyone to see but also his talent to future employers and possible clients and customers. Famous artists or people in general might seek him out to do videos on them. This is the best free publicity you could give yourself.

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