Monday, December 14, 2009

Text Rain

Text rain is a digital art piece designed by Camille Utterback. It is designed so that an image of falling letters is projected onto a wall that viewers can walk in front of and interact with. What ever image the user projects onto the wall the words will interact with it by stopping their downward motion and sliding off to the side very similar to rain. If the user is able to stop a large portion of the rain they will be able to see that the letters form words and sentences that make a poem. I really like this idea of art and interaction. It also brings in a lot of elements pertaining to new media. It would be a cool idea if there were more options of maybe turning the letters into images or one solid image with raining pixels that could be stopped and stacked to make a picture. I think there is a lot of potential with this kind of technology with computer and user interaction on a artistic and educational platform.

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