Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trix Box

These are Trix cereal boxes one is a retro release and the other is the normal release. They both look very similar but with slight differences. They've still used the only green on the box for logo. I'm guessing they did this so the name would have a popping effect to it. The rabbit on the other had is very different. One seems very relaxed while the newer one has an extreme expression of excitement and energy. Thy might have changed that because children would move towards that expression more. They might have re released the older box so more adults would start buying the cereal. The cereal itself is also more vibrant and colorful in the newer trix box. I personally like the older one better, It has less going on with more of a chill yet cool factor about it where the newer box to me screams eat me I'm full of sugar and excitement.

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