Monday, November 2, 2009


Electronic books, or better known as Ebooks, are a new trend amongst people who have a problem with paper, or just flipping pages maybe. The device that you have to buy to read an ebook can run from 100-300+ dollars. The ebooks themselves run on average about 10 dollars. To me, this design for reading books is ridiculous. Have these people never heard of a library? You can read all the books you want for free. However, I do have an Iphone, as do many people, and a growing trend is buying ebooks through the app store. I can say I've looked through the list of books and many of the classics are for free, but there is a limited amount of popular best sellers and authors. I feel the cost of an ebook reader is way over priced but since I have an Iphone I would probably buy ebooks from the app store on a limited basis. The cost of the ebooks themselves are reasonable since you should still have to pay for the content to support the author and publisher, and besides you save 5 to 10 dollars per book by not buying the physical version. I found a sales graph for ebooks and they have risen dramatically in the past 2 years. My guess is that the Iphone played a major roll in that.

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